Studentům naskakovala husí kůže, když debatovali s posledním žijícím Wintonovým dítětem z našeho regionu – Johnem Fieldsendem.
Příběh tohoto 93letého muže, narozeného v roce 1931 v Opavě, je plný odvahy a naděje. Po nástupu Hitlera k moci se s rodinou přestěhoval k prarodičům do Vítkova, odkud byl v roce 1939 s bratrem Gerdem evakuován díky siru Wintonovi do Anglie. Bohužel po válce se dozvěděl o tragickém osudu své rodiny, ale jeho životní cesta tím neskončila. Vyrůstal u adoptivních rodičů a stal se raketovým inženýrem. Svůj příběh popsal ve své knize A Wondering Jew.
Debata s Johnem se uskutečnila v zaplněném ostravském Gongu po zhlédnutí filmu One Life o úžasném siru Nicholasi Wintonovi, který v roce 1939 zachránil 669 převážně židovských dětí před transportem do koncentračních táborů.
Žáci, kteří se účastnili akce, byli požádáni, aby Johnu Fieldsenovi poslali jejich vzkaz:
I’m very grateful that i could hear your story. I think it’s super cool that the plan worked and you were saved. Thank you for coming to czech republic and sharing your interesting story with us. Have a great rest of your long life.
You are a really strong person.Your story is so emotional.I cant even imagine how hard it must have been for you.Thank you for coming to us and sharing your story with us. I think that everyone should hear this and never forget it.
Hello. We were happy for you arrival and that you could and wanted to share your story with us. Thank you. It was unforgettable.
Hello,I want to tell you that you are a very strong man and I wish you only the best in your life.
Thank you for a interesting conversation. It was very emotional,so we cried a little.But it was good.
Thank you for one of the unforgettable moments, your story was really emotional and thank you for your time. people should know about these boorish things that happened and people like Sir Nicholas Winton should not be forgotten.
Hello John. Thank you for a great heartwarming experience with your story. It was very emotional for me because I love children and am empathetic. From your lecture, I will take some advice into my life, which I will follow. Thank you, Clara.
Your story is really interesting and I think more people should know about it. I also think a lot of students will share your story and respect this topic more. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Hi John, i think meeting you, someone that can share such a unique story was one in a lifetime experience, especially here, in Czech Republic, and i also think you look very good for your age.
I appreciate that you had energy to travel there at your beautiful age and I’m glad that I could be there. It was amazing experience.
Hello John, thank you for sharing your journey, It was very touching. Happy bday
I was very honored to be able to hear your story and meet with you. The movie and your story were both fascinating and very emotional, and I am really glad that I was able to participate in this even and learn a lot about this sad history.
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